You were clearly biased in more than one occasion. As a mod who has the power to ban, edit etc.. you chilled the board by calling out only one...
A rational conversationalist….
You also have a slight reading issue. Please note where I said I voted for Trump in any election. Go ahead I’ll wait. But do us a favor No more...
Hahaha Gender policing? You brought up gender my friend. And yes… I think Dems are to blame for Trumps return to the White House. I know I know.....
So true… so illegal in many states!!!
No I am not nor was I I ever ok with it. Now as for initials.. initials are not usually placed in lowercase. Initial usually have a period after...
And the topic can be rightly stated as pointing out how some Dems cannot grasp the reality of why they lost.. because it’s their own fault..
Oh wait you were the one that brought up me using maam.. not me. So I’m on topic. Is there a reason you chose the feminine version of the name?...
Also What makes you think Maam bothers me? It doesn’t. Kind of refreshing to see a democrat with old fashion manners. Thank you.
Umm You spell Joe without the “e” Jo is how females usually spell the name. Joe is how males usually spell the name. What else were we suppose to...
And while we are at it Lacuna.. you so elegant Mod.. read through Js post and get back with us on who is generating hate. I’m sure you will be...
No maam….No whitewashing now.. you painted anyone who voted for A REPUBLICAN with that brush. Are you Rachel Ziegler? Hollywood princess who just...
Dem in the House of Representatives pandering and calling for a shadow government… go ahead idiots.. give credence to Trumps claim that you had a...
Maybe.. more likely wackjobs with nothing else to do. Stupid rumor mongering to discredit someone or something.
almost sounds like he wants to undermine our democratically elected government. Hmmm New meat for you Jo. Get on it.
Kamala loses a ton of voters and it is all Trumps fault. Democrats spend for years demonizing, degrading, mischaracterizing the right and don’t...
From the Cambridge dictionary an unofficial interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented, and quickly spreads from person to...
Was weapons of mass destruction true? It came from a an American government official. I find it to be a false narrative . Without any proof it was...
No. Not from Russian official discussing our politicians and political system. Just because a Putin aide said it doesn’t make it true . He ( the...
I don’t doubt he said it. The idea that what he said holds any truth or should be accepted or even repeated as truth is what question. When this...