I will give Billy credit, he has turned the season around. He was an anchor in a storm....a storm of doubt and misery. He is what we need at HC....
Embarrassing all the way around. Gators should have had some class Norvell should have had some as well Whole thing is an embarrassment.
Has FSU been called for a single penalty?
Got to love the insulting degrading broadbrushing. Keep it up. Many many on the left have realized that this type of rhetoric led to the left...
Tilly and I do not always agree but I can say i have seen him criticize Trump many many times without saying both sides suck. The problem is that...
I try not to. I do t agree with what they do but I try not to be haughty and look down my nose at anyone. Given what you just wrote You look down...
To be fair Trickster You are not one I normally associate with the holier than thou looking down our nose democrat. There are plants running...
How fast the tables turn The last four years certain repub posters claimed the mods were unfair and biased against them Trump hasn’t even been...
It would be if democrats weren’t insulated in their belief that their way isn’t just better but morally superior to any other way that they can’t...
Win win!!!!
A man died at the hands of police. Yes he had other health issues but I could understand his friends and family being upset and mad. Of course...
Agreed. And that’s fine. But when he got all knotted up at me for assuming he is a woman, I flat asked for clarification.. nope.. just wanted to...
So You agreed to the bet and have now clearly lost. Don’t try to change the terms now.. after you agreed tonight. Don’t back out. I’m looking...
You mean how people normally capitalize their initials and put a period after them to signify… that those are initials? I mean.. can you blame...
I do not like it at all. At the best it’s bad optics, at the worse it’s pay to play.
Is this more of your “logic and reason? Please keep it up! You are doing so well. (seriously.. what’s tapout?) I mean at this point you seem to...
Be warned…She tends to get her parties in a knot if you refer to her as a her but she has yet to explain if she is a her or a he.. or even give us...
And the 10 million dems that stayed home and couldn’t be bothered to vote this election.. the election that so many was the most important in the...
Wait… I’m a low information snowflake that listens to Joe Rogan and votes for Trump…that needs a safe space and you offended me with your stellar...
What? Libs and Dems have been used FOREVER… even from the left. If that’s your basis for assuming someone follows Joe Rogan ( and for the record.....