Not as precipitously as it would if all these new cases were Delta. But sure, with more cases comes the risk of more deaths. I just believe the...
Omicron has turned into more of a pain in the ass for us at the hospital than it is a highly deadly disease. It's causing severe staffing...
Just checking in. Anybody changed any minds about the vaccine yet? ;)
The dude was on heated hi flow O2 looking at this picture. If he needed that I'm not sure how he even walked out of the hospital. Some people are...
Can't hurt. I'm not panicking about Omicron yet. But for that matter I've never really panicked about Covid anyway. But I'll have a better idea...
[IMG] So apparently your objective is protecting hypocrisy.
Not necessarily Trump I'm talking about. But I'll remind you that Biden has said PLENTY of racist stuff. "Racist and xenophobic" is thrown around...
Then it would follow that those on the left clearly don't either since I borrowed it from them. ;)
[IMG] Of course it does. Your boy Biden and his "basket of idiots" are doing the same thing that you had this to say about Trump for doing.....
You do realize that's exactly what Biden did with Africa, right? The restrictions don't include American citizens or lawful permanent residents. o_O
Clearly racist and xenophobic.
How could so many 'intellectually superior" people have been so wrong? :D
Ummmmm......... Furthermore, the state’s...
I can’t see how we are under reporting Covid deaths unless COVID was here in 2019 and we didn’t know it. What I did see a lot of, specially in the...
Love that straight right arm. Looks like a natural.
No idea really. He came in very SOB with COVID pneumonia but because he responded so quickly to the steroids and remdesivir he never needed any...
Weekly Covid check in. I have 4 of our last (hopefully) 7 Covid patients today. 3 of 4 are obese and diabetic. All are Hispanic. One husband and...
Wow. You aren't kidding. A lot to unpack there. I made it through the first 1 1/2 chapters but have already recognized a lot of posters in his...
Perhaps I should change my avatar to "sound" more authoritative. [IMG]
Just want drop a couple stories here for people on both sides of the vax issue. Do with it what you will. I just released to long term rehab a 42...