Paywall. So did they ever find an infected animal associated with that wet market?
Yes, the deaths have been mostly unvaxxed by a large margin. But you realize that a lot of red states have large black and Hispanic populations...
Why wouldn’t you just wear an N95 and get vaccinated then you don’t have to worry about getting infected or infecting others? If others don’t want...
I can't see how demanding a stronger NATO with more participation from NATO countries could ever be considered a "good" thing for Russia. Or how...
So I'm not a Trump apologist nor could I ever be considered to be someone who idolizes any politician. And as is his habit he's a bit redundant,...
I saw video of a large helicopter assault on an airfield with reports of others. Of course I’m not saying that the Ukrainians can be everywhere...
I saw that earlier. But I would think the number would be higher in a target rich environment. Ukraine has a 215K man army. I’m hoping they are up...
If you have stingers where would you deploy them?
Granted, things are still fluid, but from initial reports It appears that the Ruskies have taken out 11 airfields rather swiftly. I have to say...
It remains to be seen, and I’m rooting for him, but if this continues to go as it appears to be going, and if China makes moves on Taiwan it will...
Western Allies See Kyiv Falling to Russian Army Within Hours o_O
In this example of the ski slope you're right, of course. My point about stupid rules was meant to be more of a general statement dovetailing off...
Yup. Stupid dad. But really stupid rule. The chances of contracting Covid on a ski lift is close to 0%. This is what I'm talking about. Why...
And I would argue that other governors implemented controls that were also political and draconian that made no real sense.
Actually, I did not attempt say that Florida "did better" than anyone. I think that kind of argument leads you down a rabbit hole that's difficult...
Nah. You used age related deaths as a comparison, not me. Then you tried to weasel out of continuing your same line of "reasoning" after being...
Of course it backfired on you.....very badly. Your point was that .... Even though it was obviously an attempted gotcha' I asked you to continue...
LOL. Talk about bad backstroking. You tried to make a stupid point that DeSantis was "responsible" for more age related deaths than Virginia then...