I’ve watched lots of video from Ukraine and the amount of abandoned vehicles is insane. Some had flat tires and some look like they just ran out...
I actually deleted my post when I realized who exactly you were addressing. My mistake.
Where the heck were you the last year??? Not blaming Joe but he didn't really change much at all and if anything the ERs and ICUs were the worst...
Ouch! [MEDIA]
You can say all you want about Trump and the dumb stuff he says. I’m on record saying the whole thing has been a shit show on several levels from...
Then all we’re doing is arguing past each other. I haven’t denied that a lot of dead unvaxxed people are Republican anti vaxxers. I’ve pointed out...
Yet he promoted the very vaccines we have that work from the start. The same vaccines that Harris and some Democrats knew about when they created...
You’ve got it bad, dude. Reeeeeeal bad. He was working with the major manufacturers from the start. Harris and the Democrats knew it yet...
FYI, we gave hydroxychloroquine in the hospital to COVID patients. We also gave them ivermectin. We had these vaccines from the start. Trump’s...
It is absolutely absurd to suggest that Trump could have a vaccine made and given to the public on his own. And you guys continuing to suggest...
What’s to refute? That you think that Trump was somehow going to make a company make something they called a vaccine with no real trials then...
Again, ridiculous. As if Trump could get a company to manufacture a “vaccine”, have the FDA give it a thumbs up and then foist it on the public....
Not once have I claimed any numbers for the entire country. What I have said from the start waaaaay back when I first brought this up when people...
Absolutely, unequivocally, ridiculous. :rolleyes:
So you admit that she did it yet gave me a disagree emoji. Lol You also are making an excuse for her doing it. There is none.
I’ve heard some real wacky stuff from the right regarding COVID and vaccines. But I agree that the left has been over the top on lockdowns and...
I seem to remember a certain black female senator, now VP, and other Democrats who stated they would not get the vax or recommend anyone getting...
I don’t disagree that a lot of misinformation comes from people on the right but the fact remains that there is a large percentage of people who...
Non of that changes anything I said at all.
But isn't the story we keep hearing all about the unvaxxed and how they're all right wingers and how they are "killing" people? That seems to be...