Big difference is that Assad didn’t have his finger on the trigger of thousands of nuclear warheads, some of which we have no defense against...
I don’t know about the last 200 years but for sure about as stupid as it can be. I have no doubt he went off script again. There’s a reason they...
I know it from seeing the results of their indiscriminate bombing with my own two eyes, seeing many news reports from eyewitness reporters on the...
[IMG] GTFOH. Block upon block of indiscriminately targeted and destroyed civilian structures and housing in multiple cites is not "going after...
Use of these hyper-sonic missiles are a clear message from Putin. He certainly didn't need to use that kind of missile to achieve the objective of...
So? Has no bearing on my point. I honestly believe you guys go to bed and dream about Trump. I really do. You think more about him now when he...
WTF are you blabbering on about? Get a hold of yourself.
This is the type of person everyone should be listening to. He actually is someone who knows WTF he's talking about and has the resume to back it...
You are clearly a Putin apologist with some weird agenda. Your claim of looking at this like you're Spock is total bullshit. There are hundreds of...
Like you he’s appears to be a Russian sympathizer who went on Russian TV saying he believes Russia was right in taking Crimea and eastern Ukraine....
Lol. I can’t believe people are actually buying this obvious bullshit. Do people actually believe that any Republicans give any more of a shit if...
Sorry, but I'm not buying the more exposure angle. Perhaps in the beginning of the disease but not for most of the last year and a half or so. I...
I've never doubted that vaccines reduce mortality. They most certainly do. As I've said too many times already, I have not at all witnessed...
So then I guess you are going to say that places with high death ratios like NY, MICH, NJ, PENN, RI, NM, must all just be outliers.
When I go to the polls the people I vote for will have never kissed Putin’s ring but rather called him out for the thug he is, will have rightly...
Yeah, these Wagner Group guys didn’t fare so well the last time they went up against a well equipped modern army. They pretty much got wiped out...
They have overwhelming air superiority, numbers of fighting vehicles, missles and troops. To say their showing has been nothing short of dismal is...
You waaaaaay overestimate and overstate how many people are cheering for Putin.