Say what????? [MEDIA]
And I'm assuming based on your request, you don't believe an environment like harris described isn't a projection of a top/down leadership mindset?
You see it your way then, and I will see it my way based on in part what I see and the information I source.
Well... from my vantage point it was the Kentucky players block that cause him to come down over the Kentucky blocker...maybe I saw it wrong, but...
That 1st series of the game, when Johnson ran out of bounds instead of lowering his shoulder for more yards. I thought something was up with...
I thought his jump was no different then what you'd see a D-lineman do trying bat a pass down at the line of scrimmage
I dont believe he was attempting to leap over him. He leaped straight up and the Kentucky blocker under-cut him while he was at his apex of his...
Every time Florida went empty backfield, Kentucky brought pressure off the edge. Florida never responded to it. in as far as making adjustments.
We can all talk till we turn blue in the face about woeful play calling or the defense today, but what has concerned me from the very beginning is...
After going though some data and reviewing clips, is anyone here informed as to why he's being recruited as a RB? Stats thus far this season show...
I'm assuming your comment is in reference how some reacted to the high snap on the PAT? Not end of the world for me, but my take on that...
It all goes without saying.....I will add this to it however. If this team regresses as it did last year be season's end, I believe we'll have a...
That one by Finebaum aged well..... Although I'll admit I was excited about the Mullen hire when it happened. I soured on his recruiting or lack...
Lot of what I call "I'm important" type of personalities involved in football at every level and when I say every level......look no further then...
So Gantt is UGA's "fixer" in as far as legal matters are concerned with members of the football team as well as apparently for employees of the...
Did much the same during my time in Athens, would have some rather lively conversations in Hodgson's Pharmacy when I would stop by for what was...
1st kid from this class I'm not overly convinced he's all that as a WR. Speed he possesses is something you can't teach! Will be watching his...
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