So which side am I on? Clearly you are trying to peg me as the one who wants the divide to happen instead of simply posing a question. So, who do...
Well if you have all the answers, lets hear what the solution is.
Well duh, its a what if situation.
No major change ever seems realistic until it is inevitable. All civilizations have dissolved somehow and we will too one day. Maybe soon....
I didn't want to get too long winded with the OP so I left this out for someone to possibly bring up to discuss. This is the major sticking point....
Hot take? The intense division in this country makes it seem like a split may be necessary to avoid major conflict. Like it or not, neither...
There is no set rule on how many guns are in a firing squad. If you google around you can find all kinds of firing squads with varying amounts of...
I think this is all a conspiracy by the deep state. A lot of people were getting tired of the same career politicians, same families running our...
Dont let Trump do this to you. Yes he is the worst one with regards to what we thought of other politicians. However, he will be gone and the...
Sorry for calling you out then and I agree. He doesn't need to attack Liz. Not sure why he is focusing on her when Kamala is the big problem he...
Are you mixing up people you are talking with again? This is multiple times. Do you have a Trump devil on your shoulder that you talk to and think...
By no means am I excusing this. The thread title is wrong. He was clearly talking about sending war hawks to war. Definitely in poor taste to...
Very fair post! Even I saw it and was like, wow... that checks out. This is why I've said that Kamala should be our president. However, the more...
He didn't say "shot in the face" - again you are using the thread title and not listening to the actual sound bite. I get it, you work on...
Its simple. Just use the same intellectual honesty as you expect from the other side. You hold the other side to a higher standard and then on the...
Not a Trumpy, just use common sense instead of emotions. You know there are things other than Left/Right, Dem/Rep, Kamala/Trump. I've already...
If this were reveresed you all would be losing your mind at the intellectual leap it takes to make this connection. You all sound ridiculous....
So should we fix the sensational click bait title since its incorrect?