So good riddens until they die off? How far gone are they? What would they need to do to be in your good graces again? FWIW, Im not saying you...
Actually, when I "get out" none of you have any of this energy in real life. If you go out in the real world, nobody is overtly and openly racist....
TLDR - remember when you said you don't read what others post because its not worth your time if someone had the nerve to have a differing...
They have an opinion and you will hear it whether you like it or not. This is a far left echo chamber. No real conversations are being had here....
Funny, I guess its a "stupid thread" and the OP gets flamed only if you aren't "one of them".
You dont talk to anyone here that you disagree with with any compassion or understanding that you would show your children in that situation. I...
So you think you get through to people by degrading them? Is that what you do with your children too? "Hey little Billy, why'd you steal that...
See here. What is the problem with simply responding in this way? Why do others feel the need to tell someone else how stupid their idea is? Can...
Whether the thread was ridiculous or not. None of you have to name call and degrade this poster for posting his thoughts on here. Don't you...
You know, some of us are here to be happy about the young guys fighting hard and going toe to toe with a top 5 team through a ton of adversity....
I cant fault you for being optimistic. I just don't see him doing well in the portal either, especially if people won't open their wallet for him....
Napier is not recruiting well enough to keep his job. If he cannot recruit better, it doesn't matter if we give him another year because we will...
I will post a response to this real quick as well... THE THREAD TITLE SAYS PEACFEFUL!!!
This is the last post Im responding to as I don't have time to beat my head on a wall. It's really simple. All any of you had to do was say...
By the way, Dave that last sentence I erased wasn't about you. It was about some other people on here. Just in case you saw it before, I deleted it.
The question stems from the division here and the rhetoric from both sides. I posted the question for discussion. You all act like no country has...
Moral superiority, compassion and inclusiveness on display for the world to see. Congrats on further solidifying the stereotype.
Its a hypothetical question and all any of you have to do is simply answer it. Instead all of you are here thumbing your nose and acting so...
jo we know you never have a thought of your own so no need to but in. You cant even figure out who you are talking to half the time to be throwing...
So Kamala wins - are you reaching out to anyone here or are they still deplorable and inhuman because they voted for Trump?