Tha hell is UCF doing?!?
When a guy has a statue out front I tend to think his opinion might matter more than mine cause I got a sticker on my truck.
Dude just got robbed of a TD probly cause umps too prideful to reverse call.
Can I root for both teams to lose?
That’s why you are one of my heros Wanne :D
I don’t know Gatorhead. Worthless and weak is strong language for my hero. Criticizing his opinion as a commentator trying to not play into...
I’m taking head over heart any day. Maybe I’m taking that incorrectly.
Well Dan Mullen just said we’re winning so there’s that. o_O
In watching every game that was always what stood out to me. No fire off the ball. Stand straight up at online and semi engage an onlineman and...
Come on guys the professionals only have it as a 14 point spread so to see some of the negative blowout predictions is a little disheartening. I’m...
Ok I thought it was just me but turn your volume up at the 45 second mark with Eric Wilbur and tell me what you hear at the end after he speaks....
Gamesmanship on point
Lot of Oregon St love. Not so sure about all that. Could be a trap game. Them Wildcats be ballin.
Revenge pick.What can I say? Oh. 7 point favorites you say. I don’t look at analytics like that. Just trust my gut. :D
Sly Smoot. Subtle. :D Just copy and paste next time.
My wife’s batteries died long ago :(
Where the hell is Matt Mitchell with SEC roll call week 8. It’s Wednesday already. I need my fix of Darth Mizz.
Extra -2 point deduction for such horrible picks. That math is solid.