A tale of two halves. As much as I don’t like the second half play it was a great win in the Swamp with a crap ton of recruits in the building to...
Has anyone said uncatchable yet?
I hate everything about this second half. D linemen just standing up at snap. No energy at all.
Go Aggies. Suck it Bazza :D
Rutgers K State Liberty Iowa St Florida
I was really hoping that wouldn’t surface. I think my dad was involved in the melee at the City Council meeting
Willis Reed moment coming…..
And yes the possum festival was as ridiculous as it sounded. Possum King and Queen with less than 5 teeth between them preferably. Possum ice...
I grew up a few miles from Wausau in Vernon. Wausau is somewhat in between Vernon and Chipley. Chipley was our biggest rival. You might remember...
Ok since nobody is paying attention and would call me out on it I’ll admit to liking Deion when he was a two way for Falcons and Braves. Also...
Alright, alright I’ll cut you some slack on that one. I’m also a fan of Derrick Brooks as well so I do try to judge the character of a man even if...
I hate that inevitably Bazza will make us say something nice about Tennessee :D
Just an update from the Utah State game. Cloudy and cool. 51-14 at the half. That is all.
Even former Noles are conspiring to screw me. Daggum you Jimbo.
Wanna. What so funny? What I miss?