Wipe* if you're gonna be one at least spell it right
Guys....this is bittersweet...im happy we got Chip but I don't want this thread to end. :(
2 more planes getting ready to depart
I figure Helfrich has to get a long look at OC
Do we have tracking on the plane that just left?
Well to be fair were in Florida...only so much more south you can go
Where is it going tilly?????
Plane taking off
One of the planes running lights turned on
Its almost like @tilly wants us to watch the runway tonight...what does it mean tilly what does it mean?
Mac & Blondie? Worchester? A1? WE NEED DETAILS!!
Just blaze
I actually saw a web doc on that girl at one point. Saying that she's modified her body to resemble a Barbie doll..i can't remember the name
@tilly what's the % chance of an announcement today?
Josh Hammond. Dudes got Burners
People are saying this is the most "viewed" and "posted" to thread. I'm beginning to think this thread also has the highest number of "private...
Tilly we the people of the sovereign boobie bouncing Chip Kelly thread demand an explanation of your update!!
[IMG] So.....i read the title change and came running. [IMG]
First post of page 300?