I don't know where you got your information on that, but the suicide rate actually declined during the pandemic and reversed a decades long...
You say this isn't about Covid, but it's about Covid. The public health systems, pharma industry with the vaccines and other treatments they...
Good point, kind of like Vietnam. Lots adding up for Putin leaving him vulnerable, which was probably furthest from his mind when he started this...
The second option is ineffective when bombs are hitting Moscow. Not going to convince anyone of a grand plan when Putin is helpless to protect the...
The projected deficit for 2023 is now around 1.3 trillion. If through gap enforcement and increased revenue on corporations, to bring the deficit...
The IRS estimated tax gap, i.e. the difference between tax owed and collected, from 2014 to 2016 is over 400 billion. The gap is largley due to...
This is where IMO we need to increase revenues, and specifically on billionaires or corporations that pay little by comparison to most Americans....
Gotta love how he looks ahead in life
Randomly doing a thorough search is probably a good idea, although I'm not a security expert by any means. In this case, I doubt we will ever know...
You could do a strip search of everyone, everyday, and for every tablet/capsule/powder found, run labs for identify. I think that's extreme for...
I get it. It sounds unsecure. However, the amount of powder, 200 mg, that was found is a small amount. Unless you conduct a complete physical...
I'm making light of it. It's just that the west wing entrance is used by both staff and tour visitors. If the visitors are asked to remove phones...
A conspiracy? I hear Durham is available
Once the substance was identified as coke, and there was no longer a potential threat, would it really be standard procedure to call in the FBI...
C'mon Rick, I read your posts on the sports forums and they are articulate and spot on. This? Is bloodless and resorts to an insult instead of...
And today Obamacare is very popular because it has helped millions of people. A healthier population is more productive. And what was Trump's...
Oh the tales one tells. Obamacare is providing health insurance to millions of people, many who went without until now. Trump had a plan? He said...
Actually keeping America great is passing infrastructure and healthcare. Trump talked about those things, Biden and Obama accomplished those things.
It's all us Baby Boomers releasing pent up trillions and living a little
Trump's real problems are only beginning. The more consequential criminal trials coming up will reflect how little regard he has for our country...