All winning programs has/had their warts. Huntley Johnson comes to mind. Hate the stuff. Hate young men getting hurt or killed. They do stupid...
I’m just addressing lumping UGA and Bama together in academia. Sure seems like a wide gap. I won’t pretend to speak for or care what other UGA...
Hope you’re doing better Ray. Just had a pacemaker implanted. Cancer wasn’t enough to deal with!! Getting older can suck but glad we’re still around.
Just FYI…US NEWS REPORT lists UF as the #5 top public university. Texas comes in at #10 and UGA at #16. A&M? #26. Bama at #64.
Don’t think you get where I’m coming from…humor.
Guess you didn’t teach in Georgia…
You light it up at Wrigley Field??
They misspelled ”Dawg.”
Praying for you Princess.
Ray - just had my first “good” week in 6 months, where I felt good and like my old self. Give it time and prayer. And know others remember you in...
A good man. Served his country in the military and in politics. Sunday school teacher. Married to the same woman for how many years? Habitat for...
Was slightly taller than Bryce Young. Most didn’t realize that. Hopefully Bobo learned from Monken. Losing Monken hurts, no doubt.
Ray - please see my thread about my cancer journey. Never stop praying and never give up hope. Rooting for you my friend!!
Mods - please merge with the other couple of posts about my cancer if that’s where it should go. Update on my cancer journey. Diagnosed August...
Does he get Gisele back now?
No one from UGA would ever characterize SBIV in such fashion.
Better days ahead my friend.
An assumption by another poster… I believe the report shows Willock was backseat drivers side and the other fatality was driver. Same side.
I did say “initial results.” I assume this means no alcohol (bottles, cans) found in the vehicle. No smell of alcohol evident. They may find...
I’ll take a woman that’s spent time teaching over a semi-nude model that said “screw Christmas” any day…