McAfee sucks so bad…
A fine Christian man. I won’t share my personal story about him here again but he blessed my Mother and she never forgot it.
She has a face?
Thx for having a good sense of humor, it’s a ball game not life or death.
Finished 80% for 300 yards and 3 TDs. Wasn’t sure about the guy but he’s been ballin’.
I’ll send you a fruitcake…:emoji_blush:
Beep beep!!
Immunotherapy keeping me ill. Watching on TV. Will watch dem Gators later tonight. Still love me some college football.
See the latest on Kiffin and one of his players?
You had lost them at ‘AU Contrere.’
One of the games I thought UGA could possibly lose.
Thanks brother.
Prayers always my friend. I spent part of Sunday morning the week before the WLOCP at the ER. Ammonia from my liver cancer/cirrhosis traveled to...
Didn’t get that from the article.
Kirby will NEVER look past Florida.
“DaFlame” went on the become a Christian rapper. Although comical in their youth, if he brings one person to Christ it was a life well-lived,
My post was about UGA and not attacking UF at all. But if you’re serious, I’ll abstain from quoting you or posting in regards to any post of yours.
Stack the box? UGA leads the conference in passing and Beck is second in passing.
Actually it doesn’t. You guys have supported me through this. You’re a good bunch. Not your fault you root for the wrong team.