If everyone blocked them/stopped responding the thread would get back on topic.
Thankfully my clan abstained. I do know of a guy who was there and showed people the footage he took. I don't think he ever got a call from the FBI.
My doctor is a roided out old dude in bike shorts and a tight tanktop. Every visit. I get there and he asks "need any changes?". I say no and...
Home grow would have been nice but I never expected Florida to let it happen. I happily voted yes on 3 yesterday (by mail).
I didn't expect to see a menstrual cup surfing on a wave of blood in gif form today. So that's something.
It is very windy in Jax right now. Much stronger than I anticipated. I was letting my dogs out and heard metal scraping on pavement. I went out...
Thank God. It's been a really dry two days.
Good for her. It's well within her rights as a US citizen. I would do the same.
Yeah I don't believe he accidentally let an n bomb slip. He fumbled the word.
I see he doesn't skip leg day.
Pot, meet kettle.