You’re correct that no candidate could be nominated if unanimity was required. When Biden dropped out the Democratic Party leaders had a choice....
Except at the beginning of 2024, after three years as vice president, there were Democrats wanting to replace her on the Biden ticket. That...
I disagree that she mobilized a campaign in 90 days. The Democratic Party machine was already geared up and moving to build support for Biden’s...
Here are some example of wealthy people in the New Testament (taken from someone else’s write up): Joseph of Arimathea (Matt. 27:56-61; Mark...
This is one of those verses that gets cherry picked to make a point that is not in line with what is being taught. Some people think it is Jesus...
The poll should’ve had a third option of “other.”
Although it is getting better, their prosperity does not get spread around as well as here. “In 2023, the official poverty rate fell 0.4...
With its natural resources, Mexico should be one of the most prosperous countries in the world, but it’s not. Corrupt governments will do that to you.
No, the point was that sometimes you can beat teams which on paper you have no business beating. The thread is about running the table on the rest...
Zook beat #6 LSU, #11 Arkansas, and #4 Georgia, three games in a row and all the way from home. Anything is possible. By the way, the LSU loss...
SOS was late in adopting the shotgun because he believed it was “high school.” As far as the NFL goes, as already mentioned, the Dallas Cowboys...
The guy behind me was watching through binoculars because it was the other end of the field. After that play, he screamed “Dickey you idiot” and...
Got my bottom three picks, but the top two stunk it up. Not even close.
As in aside, when my daughter was in high school she worked at Toys “R” Us. She sold Chappelle a child’s car seat and went out to his car and...
Here’s an interesting article about the Growl through the years. Bob Hope’s first appearance was 1976. One of his later appearances was nationally...
That’s fine. I just think we should stick to real behaviors, and not speculate on what might have been.
He would’ve had to been talking to UT four or so months earlier. There’s no evidence that he talked to them, and even if he did, that he tried to...
Except for running out the clock at the end of the first half, I saw plenty of aggressiveness. Especially that third down at the end of the game...
I’m not sure. I saw something about that, but it might’ve just been someone’s comments in this thread. I believe Burton also had a passing...
No need. You were right.