Navy 50 Oklahoma 50 Arkansas 50 Texas 50
Uh-oh. I didn’t think of that. :p
People have been making this argument for years. If getting an ID is so onerous, why haven’t the Democrats organized efforts to help those people...
My wife laughs that even though I’ve lost half my hair, the appointment still takes an hour because we shoot the breeze so much. :D
I got my hair cut yesterday. The stylist said he is sick and tired of the political squabbling. He said he was leaning towards Harris but she has...
Those are two different situations. Republican leadership could not stop Trump because of the primary system which put it in the hands of voters....
Thanks for the heads up. I went back and made sure both quotes are attributed.
Do you not think the political parties have leadership? I wondered how long it would take before someone pulled out the sexist card from their...
That statement can be misleading, depending on what she does with the Trump tax cuts. BTW, I’m not implying that you are trying to be misleading....
You’re making the assumption that those who don’t have IDs have faced barriers. I suspect it’s much more they just haven’t bothered. If voting is...
I used to know a family that had the largest white pine mill in New England. Family-owned business. Subsidized lumber from Canada put them out of...
So you accept photo IDs for airplanes and buses, but not for voting? If people are content to go through life without a photo ID, then what makes...
What if you get taken to heaven on a chariot of fire? :)
Does that mean you made sure they voted for Harris? jk :D
The percentage of airline passengers who hijack airplanes is extremely minute even compared to voter fraud. And yet every passenger is required to...
When I was in junior high in Winter Park, I found in a box some 8-mm film of high school football games that my older brother had. The games...
I was called in either 2008 or 2012. They went through a whole list of questions. The very last question they asked was do I shop at Walmart, and...
So who was running against her? How could anyone throw their hat in the ring if the DNC had already declared her the preferred candidate?
They didn’t have to have another round of primaries. They could’ve had an open convention, just like in the old days before primaries determined...
And why wasn’t she running when the vote started? Because her campaign could not get even minimal traction. The 844 number came from Wikipedia....