I agree the rates have skyrocketed in the last 6 years for auto and homeowners. Many companies are showing a profit for auto last year but the...
How do you figure? This has been going on for the last 20 years. The major insurance companies were gone from Florida's homeowner market well...
I am not missing the point at all. I realize live rounds have no place on set.
I am not going to watch the trial. Are you telling me the people using the gun can't tell the difference in live rounds and dummy rounds on a set...
That is why they were all suppose to inspect the gun and part of that is to empty the rounds out and look at them. No one should hold a gun that...
The Armorer deserved the 18 months and more as she was the main reason for someone getting killed. Baldwin is a liar if nothing else in my...
What are you talking about? Sounds to me like he didn't have a license but it did not stop him from driving it anyway.
They need to outlaw any vehicle with more than 4 wheels to prevent this from happening again.
Looks like the teens started some crap with a stranger and it turned out real bad. Hard to say if he really felt he was in danger. He was out...
I have sold some guns over the years. I would not sell a gun to a stranger for the reasons you listed. I use a local gun shop and sell on...
Back when I was in high school in the 70's we had a place out in back of the school called Smokey Bear Park for the students to smoke. Most white...
You hear about a lot of crime committed by black people as well but seldom if ever does the news say what color they are. And I can promise you...
That sounds like the rates we had here in the Gainesville Florida area 10 years ago.
True, I have a few homes insured in Hillsborough County and Pinellas County. The premiums run higher than Alachua as are the values and insurance...
I don't see 6k rates very often here in Florida. Maybe in South Florida on higher values homes near the coast. That would not be anywhere close to...
I am not sure that is at all accurate. I believe California is right there if not higher along with Texas and Louisiana. No way Florida's average...
Cabrillo writes for several companies as a general agent. They are competitive most days. Some of the rate increase people are seeing is from...
Having a new home makes it much easier to insure and at a lower price.
Florida, Texas, California and Louisiana have all had property insurance problems for years. Other states are starting to raise rates and cancel...
Is that who you want to build your home? I think I will wait in line for a licensed and insured contractor.