Of course many wear mask to hide behind
As far as I know Marion County still charges inmates for rent for the time they spend in the County jail. Different than charging them for time...
Ocala is growing fast and I don't seen it slowing down as more people flee South Florida and the Northeast. There are some areas that I would not...
Suburban for sure out of those two.
Remember watching him as a kid.
You need to roll your own. Problem is now the set up cost more than ever and primers are not always available and are double what they were a few...
I hope they will continue to fail but "they" will continue to try. The future is easy to see just follow what states like California have done and...
They are popular with the rural people that need good internet. What we get out here is most times slow if it is working at all. Choices are slim...
No, it has been that way as long as I can remember. The thing they changed in Florida was you don't need a license to conceal carry. That is NOT...
You can carry in a bar in Florida if you don't mind commiting a crime. It is against the law to carry a weapon in a bar or sit in the bar area of...
There are states where he can by a rifle at age 18.; They may not have grabbed any of your guns "yet" but it was not for lack of trying. I guess...
They do make a Hybrid Ford Maverick. As far as calling it a truck that is s stretch. It is really a small SUV with the rear cargo cut open. The...
From what I can tell from just reading the articles she fits the profile of a lot of the school shooters. As far as the gang shootings and such...
I don't have a problem with electric cars but am not ready to go that way. I plan the replace the car my wife drives in the next year but will go...
The biggest credits come from the way the roof itself is installed not the cover on it. Most of the credits are from hurricane strapping and roof...
I live in a rural area and had a metal roof put on my house. It was replaced down to the decking just like a shingle roof should be. I had a...
No as I said I am ok with the background checks but would like to know what the definition of a dealer is now. Can I sell my son one of my guns...
I have no problem with background checks myself. That said how many guns does a person need to sell to be considered a dealer and need a FFL...
The status quo is all we have. The problem is companies do not want to insure risk in Florida. They have better places to do business. It has...
Most of the big name brand insurance companies have been out of the home insurance business in Florida for many years. They started cutting down...