I did go back and search for voter fraud in the Villages and you are correct. All 4 of the people elected for voting twice in the 2020 election...
That is news to me. Not saying it is not true but not something I have seen in the papers there that I can remember. Most of what I see is DUI in...
If you read the articles about the arrest in the villages most of them are grown kids that followed their parents down to Florida to continue...
Maybe consider a new 3rd base coach
So he went for the outfielders fake? He and the base coach can't see the frikkin baseball?
Did he fall asleep standing on 3rd? No way he can be that slow.
They would if they really didn't have anyone to pick berries. I mean are you saying they would have it even if no strawberries? They were never...
You are wrong again. I go there a couple of times a week and sometimes go to Wards as well as Publix. I have bought Florida strawberries several...
I didn't see any shortage of Florida grown strawberries this year or notice higher than normal prices. I am betting the California berries that...
Maybe you are new to Florida football. I really have no idea. That said Florida has had more than one good walk on 40 years ago. Dooley: 10 best...
True, I remember the years that walk on Chris Doering played here. All the other receivers like Reidel Anthony , Ike Hilliard, Jacquez Green and...
Maybe not but being in the insurance business it seems there are more of them uninsured and unlicensed than non migrants. I don't have any stats I...
No problem. New York City just needs to make helmets and sticks illegal.
Non compete clauses are a big thing in the insurance business. Captive companies use them with agents and of course they are used when selling a...
I think it has always been that way for most people. I could not afford to have kids when we had ours but we managed anyway. I can remember in the...
They work great for me when I am mowing. I don't breath all that dust an dirt my zero turn tosses into the air.
I was just reading that also. If we go with another Rav 4 I am going to consider the hybrid with the warranty being that long on the batteries.
I was young enough that the Vietnam war ended before I graduated high school ion 76. I do remember a lot of what went on with student protest...
I am more interested in longer life batteries. I considered a hybrid when we replace the Toyota Rav 4 my wife drives but don't like the idea of...
I found articles going back to 2004 about the $50 a day. But don't miss a chance to say something stupid if that is what you are all about.