It did the same here in town. Hope it took it easy going through Shiloh. I don't need my internet or power out this afternoon during the game.
This makes me think of the couple that broke into my home during the day while I and my wife were at work. As I have said before on other post my...
I am not going to try and educate you on anything. I am sure I would not be up to the task just judging by your post.
It is his home and if he feels there could be a dangerous person at his door or if he just feels like answering the door while holding his gun he...
He and anyone that legally owns a gun has the right to answer their door with it in their hand without a police officer shooting them. He didn't...
I am here at my office about a mile from the stadium and it is almost dark outside. Not looking like good weather for the 1:00 start. Maybe it...
And the majority of those are not law abiding citizens they are felons and gangs. The gun laws only limit and restrict lawful people not criminals.
I agree they can help protect from wind and they for sure will keep your home cooler and save electricity. I want trees around my home. I don't...
How often does it really happen? Of course when it does you hear about it on the news. There are 83,000,000. gun owners in the US by estimate....
When people talk about oak trees it does not mean much unless you know what type of Oak tree. There is a big difference in a live Oak a water oak...
You are correct most of the time you don't need a gun. What are you going to do to protect your family the time you do need a gun? If you choose...
If it only ate part of his brain he would still be way ahead of what is running the country right now
As a stepfather that lost a stepson to a fentanyl overdose and a husband that lives with a mother that lost her son to a fentanyl overdose he...
The wife and I went by Ocala Bets and made some bets on the derby today. It always adds a little to it for us to have some horses bet. That place...
Great horse! " At age three, Secretariat not only won the Triple Crown, but he also set speed records in all three races. His time in the Kentucky...
sure, and lower your social security retirement or disability benefits in the future.
I am sure it is available to them under the group insurance. The state may not pay for it but they can buy it at a big discount compared to what...
And do you provide health insurance and paid vacation? How about retirement and disability? I bet most bartenders don't get any benefits. Just...
I guess I am a bad person because I wish the mama bear had showed up and showed the tourist why you leave the cubs alone.
You do not have to dangerous to be told to leave campus and not return. Same thing can happen at any public place. Plenty of people are arrested...