Ocala is running about 3.19 so Gainesville is probably 3.29 or higher. Not good at all but I am sure it will get worse.
Shelnut can hardly hit air right now.
You quoted my post and it was referring to a home just off of 34th street in Gainesville Florida. I see now that someone posted a picture of a...
House are going for pretty much double what they were in 2020.
Well I grew up just a few blocks from there and insure homes in those neighborhoods every day. I know what people are paying for them because I...
That house will sell for $350,000. now. I grew up in on 36th Terrace in Golf Club Manor just West of 34th Street. Those homes were build earlier...
t I agree. I don't think there are any easy answers but I worry about the next generation of the so called middle class workers. The ones that...
I don't know who is to blame but, I do think the high fuel prices drove inflation over the last 3 plus years. During that time all Biden has...
It is not the pitching because they do it against just about every one they face.
I would think if the lefties were worried about the mental well being of the President they would more be concerned about Joe being in charge the...
Do you really think he does anything on his own? He does and says what they train him to. He does not have enough brain cells to figure anything...
Fine then pass the law through congress. ATF is to enforce laws not make laws or decide what they think is illegal.
I never said that no laws work, but many that are passed are total BS. We have rights here that the people of Australia don't have. Good luck...
So you are for people being put in jail for smoking or growing pot? If not then does that mean you are against all drug laws? No reason to pass...
[ So you are for more laws even if they don't stop mass shootings or murders.
Do you have a problem reading? I never said anything close to that. Laws have not stopped mass shooting or any murder of any kind. The bump stock...
I don't own a bump stock and don't plan on buying one, but I find it funny that so many here seem to think that gun laws ever stopped someone from...
Or maybe not because they are afraid but just in case it is needed. I don't have a fire extinguishers in my home because I am afraid I am going to...
There should not be qualifications to run for office. People should not vote for idiots if they choose to run though.