I see that now and then, I think it's an ad blocker thing.
Not sure yet :eek:
He's not a fool, not going to become OC for a coach about to be fired....again.
We did have a Nike plant on here years back, if you said anything negative about Nike he would come in with a script to tell you how awesome they...
We're Number 1? :D
I think if the losses are close he might have a chance, but lets be honest, we got blown out on Saturday, that happens 2-3 more times it's over.
High school. Guess he's the new Kerwin ;)
Bunches, wait till we win or play someone close.
Wait till we be Samford by 10, they will be back in force.
Uniform will be Blue Tops and Orange Pants this week.
The revenge tour rolls on.
Always like 20 degrees cooler down there, extra fridge that all the good beverages were in, good times.
Wonder why this game wasn't in Ireland, BC makes more sense over there then GT.
Everyone loved him, guy went winless and they had a rally on campus to SUPPORT him, still even he had a .500 season.
Wow, we’ve already reached the blaming the fans level, this is like a speed run of ineptitude.
Steve Addazio will be calling the game on TV, maybe we can break out some dive plays.
Wasn't there a run down last year where the play calling is all collaborative? That one guy gets the 3rd down and + and another gets the short...
Lucky for us we don't play them.
Frost has 1 winning season as a head coach and 6 losing ones, Gene Chizik has more, why not call him?