Watch OSU kill the rest of the clock on the way to another score.
Whoever thought this would be a good matchup should be committed to an insane asylum. We needed to play someone from the Sunbelt or Metro. This is...
Oregon St has never beaten a SEC team. Until now. We've had too many negative firsts in the last few years.
What if Percy had stayed? He could have been the difference in the Bama game. We certainly would have had a much more explosive offense in the '09...
Bring on somebody we can beat. I don't want another losing season.
I hope so. Am looking for more insight from the "pimple popper poster."
Our 1st 3 possessions of the 3rd quarter: 1 short run by Montrell and 1 short run by AR 6 incomplete passes 1 sack given up 1 delay of game...
Rushing the field. Such silly little girls.
Those refs suck.
Face mask11!!!!11!11!1!!11 How do you miss that!!
Why are we freaking calling time out?!
Thanks for stopping the clock for us. Throw some water in our face to wake us up! Let's go!
Too easy.
Tie ball game. Let's go D!!! 3 and out!
YES!!!!!!!!! ETN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C'mon ETN! Break loose!
New ball game! C'mon D, play lights out and get the ball back. 3 and out.
TD! Finally!
Please run the ball from a legal formation.
Poor 2nd halftime game plan. We had soooo much success running in the 1st half. WTH are we throwing so many passes on the 1st 3 possessions? SMH.