Curious what posters think of this pending ban? It has a bipartisan congressional backing.
Any new movie tips? Any Severance fans?
unh? Did you read the article? You do realize it’s Dear Leader who is chasing these “A list stars”.
absurd. He asked her pointed questions where she lied or refused to answer. But, she’s working for a convicted felon who nominated her. The...
I would say he was successful. wow, she comes off more dishonest that I expected.
how so?
No she didn’t. Bondi came off as dishonest.
There have been other discussions and I can probably dig up some of my older posts. Similarly to THFSG, it will be very interesting how maga...
Reminder we’re currently running a $1.8T deficit/yr. and just the interest payment on our total debt is $890B/yr. For perspective our defense...
69% actually agree. In today’s politics that’s a substantial majority. we don’t hear enough from those who make the sacrifice - the women/girl...
I give maga credit, after they aligned their moral compass to Trump they’re honest and stop supposedly caring about family values But seems...
Our Nat’l defense is one of the most complex and expensive combination of materiel, manpower, and support structures in the history of the world....
agree. We under estimate how they want to get into, and stay in power. It stuck out when Ted Cruze kissed trumps butt, AFTER trump really...
Not accord to yenor. Women are in jobs like HR and environmental protection. They are “quarrelsome” and “medicated “. And it’s their fault men...
Maybe a few here and there of businesses specifically targeted for some reason (politics?), but on a wide scale, it won’t happen. There will not...
“The Matt Gaetz Show” , maga hero, on OAN. I Knew Matt Gaetz’s New Talk Show Should Would Be Rough. It’s Worse Than I Ever Imagined.
Bizzaro what trump followers glob onto
check out the last time Trump made the U.S. Department of Agriculture move. It resulted in losing smarter, more experienced people replaced...
any input on the op?