LeBron could technically do it as well. I knoe people will hate it because they just dont like him but its true.
Doesnt sound to crazy if they are hoping he can play Friday.
I promise Samuel looks like Patric Young with that number 4 and muscles
So he will be fine in the future. We need fhat guy
And Kugel...lol..he is in a serious slump
Clayton is playing like Kugel did down the stretch. My goodeness once Kugel has less pressure on him, this is going to be insane backcourt.
Its mental at this point, he has a nice form for a nice swole guy. I dont get it
Pullin to Clayton, Pullin to Richard, Pullin to Samuel please. Kugel needs to keep passing and get the ball back on the reverse and THEN drive to...
Wish CC had one more year left to play with thid squad. Man it would be something to watch
And guards too..is this real life???
Pullin and Clayton are great together. Mix in Kugel and Richard and wd are cooking in the backcourt
27-30 pitt
We are tired..everyone on the court was..lol
Imagine him as an upperclassman, my goodnesd
Better than I couldve dreamed and so smooth as an off guard. Pullin makes this engine go for sure and makes Clayton play naturally.