I was actually very careful not to namecall. I pointed out that your opinions and perspective are in direct contradiction of themselves...
I very much dislike the idea of the republicans getting any other SCOTUS appointments during the Trump term; however, I recognize that they have...
You can bet the democrats did everything they could to manipulate the timeline and way this came out. I highly doubt Ford had anything to do with...
Notice that LouisvilleGator outright ignored my comment, and then responded to it as if I was making an entirely different point. Deny deny,...
For the record, it is totally fine if you have a hyper-partisan inequitable world-view. This is a free country afterall. If that is how you are,...
So when its a Dem president and a Pub senate it's okay for the Pubs to put off the hearing indefinitely, but not okay when the Dems try to...
I would love to see an actual response, not a deflection, to the below question:
So you agree that, due to the republican senate failing to do their duty when Obama was in office, Merrick Garland should be on the SCOTUS instead...
#1 I said it was alleged. Just in different t words. Check my post again. #2 spent my entire life around various survivors of rape/sexual...
Don't worry, i got this one; Ill respond on your behalf. Well, I still feel like her demands were unreasonable and meant as a veiled refusal....
Imo, her requests were totally reasonable; senators accepted some and countered... Sounds like your reps agree with me on this one. Her requests...
You said she refused, she has not. This post is what's called a red herring fallacy, it has nothing to do with the topic and is meant only to...
You should go back about 20 pages and read. We've already beaten that horse to death.
Nah She agreed to testify under certain conditions. That's not a refusal.
Ooo!! I love Egg Rolls. Yes I'll have one please. Didn't know we were placing orders!!! ;)
You are literally the most biased partisan person on this board that I have not yet blocked. Pot meet kettle here.
Forgive me if I'm less concerned with poor Kavanaugh's feelings and character than with 36+ years of torment that this woman went through if true.
He's tripping over himself at the chance to bow down and kiss the guy's feet. That tweet is positively dripping with partisanship. No matter what...
It's all about the boy's club.
You paint yourselves in a bad light, don't need any help from anyone else to do that.