Got it. I retract my statements wrt your posts then. I apologize.
My mother is a rape survivor, alcoholic, drug abuser, who spent her entire life in and out of jail. My father was never a part of my life; nor did...
No, I don't think I'm superior to you. I don't think in terms of superior or inferior; I think in terms of different, of which we all are. Since...
Then you're purposefully misrepresenting the entire thing. He is not being judged for drinking to drunkeness while in high school. You are...
I don't have children. Try again.
FIFY below. He is literally not being judged for drinking in high school and acting like a drunken high schooler. Obviously you're not paying...
Seems like someone has been made to feel small by progressives at some point in their life.
Definitely right-y dialect.
Then, by your own admission, you are biased against the victim in this case and therefore unable to objectively come to a conclusion based on the...
Victims of rape crimes often have incredible difficulties making good decisions later in life. My mother stopped much of her mental development...
Majority of these cases have little/no hard evidence. Your standard is far too high, especially since this is a job interview. It is obvious from...
Sounds like you needed a better hiring manager. No way would I ever require people to take polygraphs as part of their employment. Hire people you...
She's either a Davinci-level-talent at lying, or she's telling the truth. I don't see how anyone can read that and conclude what's been said on...
His entire point is that your position on polygraphs is in opposition to kavanaugh's. If true, that means you believe Kavanaugh is unqualified to...
FBI = incompetent when it finds evidence in opposition to the republican agenda FBI = competent when it finds evidence in support of the...
He's talked about running. I think the Dem base is so fired up for a fight right now that there's a good chance of him getting that far. Probably...
Yup. I'd like to point out that this is not the argument you all are making. The argument you're making is that the majority of the country...
And your point is? Why is it important that "the states elected trump" other than that it is the way our system currently works? hint: because it...
So how is this different from me pointing out that you "are being incredibly hypocritical" to put it in your words?