As if we haven't managed to corrupt other nation's politics over the years?
Yes the country is hopeless and it's not just because of a banned book and a single soldier. As far as corruption in the US that is being proven...
If that is true why are we tearing down statues?
Nor does it provide a plausible excuse for US intervention.
Did I say Russia was a shining star on the hill? What most nations do not have is a trained armed hate group directly involved in a war. New...
Do you think the corruption will stop when this war is over? The answer of course is no it will not. The question is who benefits the most from...
What the heck do you think has happened over the past few decades? While you dream of stopping Hitler all of the European nations and the US were...
There are many that beg to disagree with that position myself included.
You're hitting on the most honest position of this war and why the US is involved. Natural resources that Europe and the US rely on. From my...
And you argue for more involvement stating oh my it's just a small number of Javelin anti-tank missiles? Don't kid yourself the US is doing much...
Somehow all of this justifies the interventions of US involvement in Ukrainian affairs?
And you are way to intelligent to ignore the facts on the ground. We are not fighting WWII or rehashing WWII. We are discussing the decisions made...
And the US has always wanted to interfere in Ukraine with weapons and boots on the ground. This is unacceptable to Putin and there is no dispute...
World war II changed the global boundaries across Europe and the Middle East of that there is no dispute. NATO was born out of this as well. The...
We run risks with everything we do concerning our energy situation regardless if we are talking fossil fuels, hydro, nuclear, thermal, wind and...
Putin didn't want the war either but when backed into a corner that is exactly what happens. I suspect that point is lost on you. We have been...
Yes Ukraine wants all manners and weapons of war and what he is complaining about right now is tanks and the problem is that bilateral agreement...
I think you and I can both agree the problem in Mr Zelinsky's mind is the availability of tanks. Let this sink in for a minute if Germany is...
Follow the conversation as I replied to @oragator1 post #10, #14, #15, #16, #17 and @mdgator05 jumps in at #19. Tell me what that conversation was...
The point is tanks are not coming any time soon yet the mantra is they are needed now not later. You can't get blood out of a stone no matter the...