You'll get no argument from me concerning Russia being the aggressor. That is not what is in dispute. Why Russia turned to aggression and Putin's...
As if the US hasn't installed our puppet regimes? I'll grant that might have been a pie in the sky goal but I doubt that would have been...
I don't consider it a pile on at all and there will always be differences in opinions. I appreciate the dialog and whether we want to admit it or...
And you believe had Putin taken Kyiv he would have all of Ukraine? I think not nor do I think Putin held any such belief. He went after Zelensky....
Capitalism survives whether Ukraine does or not and from my point of view the US wants to control trade as well. To suggest China or Russia would...
It is victory that is the object of all military endeavors regardless of the side one finds themselves on. There will be losers and there will be...
As if we didn't expand our own spheres of influence and insert ourselves in other nations? Let's not be lopsided in that reality. I agree best...
Until Putin and Zelensky come to the table you cannot make the assumption that Ukraine will lose all of it's territory.
That's your tale yet there are two sides to this story. The one you choose to believe or the reports from both sides of the fence. Understand...
I didn't cede Ukraine any more than I ceded territories / nations that have been taken in the past. I believe we can all agree Ukraine is not...
What means of production are going to cease? The US will be no better off and much worse supporting this war.
The track record is how much free trading was going on before this fiasco.
The only success from a military perspective is winning a war. Hell of track record we have of late isn't it?
And what is China if not totalitarianism? Seems to me free trade existed with China and Russia before this war began.
This is the kind of logic that boggles my mind. I don't have to justify Russia's actions Putin does. I'm not taking another tact as for the...
You are right but you got it backwards. Ukrainians are not training and equipping their own soldiers. As for kidnapping children and taking them...
How many times do I have to state this war is not WW II nor does it have the genocide of scale that was unfathomable.
The appeasement would be between Ukraine and Russia and has nothing to do with the US. Since when has the heavy boot of the US worked?
Did I state we should be isolationists? Not that I recall nor am I calling for such trade with other nations will still move forward. What I have...
Your opinion and I as well as others disagree.