Clearly you are not paying attention to everything I have posted in this thread and I don't get a dime out of any this. As for the term quisling...
Using exports as levers of political advantage are implemented by all nations the US included. The US uses the so called favored nations for...
By the same token it's not our place to make statements about or act on Ukrainian sovereignty either. Poland and NATO putting troops and...
I take it you missed the part about what is happening on the Polish Belarusian border and why such a statement would be made?
I don't comprehend how anyone would consider it cheering for one side or the other when having discussions on the progress of war. This is not a...
Putin said nothing of pushing back Poland's borders nor is he trying to do so that statement came from Medvedev. To be fair the Polish border has...
You are welcome to believe that and yes there is cost of lives on both sides of this war. None the less the advancement continues.
That was then and this now. How much territory has Russia regained to this point? Not all of it but a good portion of it as it stands at this...
Russians are the ones making advancements at the moment if you're paying attention at all.
It's going a lot better for Russia than it is Ukraine fact is it is not going well for anyone.
When you have to resort to calling people Baghdad Bob or comrade it makes it difficult to have a discussion. What is at issue with NATO nations...
I should have qualified that as western nations portraying the war is going swimmingly well for Ukraine but we know this not to be the case.
Your first issue and you nailed it is NATO was already weak and depending on the US. Whether you like what President Trump pointed out or not has...
And there in lies the problem when we sweep it under the rug without consideration and thoughtful processes.
I guess we have a mutual agreement in that regard. Some people are too much for me as well.
It must so hard to be so gullible as to believe Russia is going to roll into NATO occupied nations.
I suppose your foul mouth is more palatable? If the discussion is too much for you just say so.
Now you get the picture as long as Russia continues to exist this issue will never be solved.
This is exactly why people cannot have a discussion. You left out the Minsk agreement and Angela Merkle's admission that it was a worthless...
If only people would have listened to Putin in the very beginning he may have well stayed out of Ukraine.