We have the evidence of our own eyes and ears that he called for peaceful protests. We also have the evidence of our own eyes and ears that Biden...
"If Trump gets elected, he's going to target his political opponents and threaten our Democracy." The man's been impeached, arrested, prosecuted,...
I wholeheartedly agree. But Republicans are a lot more likely to politicize this based on recent history. Indicting President Trump for calling...
If Republicans generally thought like Democrats, the mainstream Republican statement, not 2 weeks from now, not 2 months from now, but right now…...
Sarcasm and dismissiveness is not a rebuttal.
Absolutely pathetic.
Considering that Trump was criminally charged for calling for “peaceful protests” on the Capitol, it might be unreasonable, but it’s certainly not...
Genuinely classy.
“Good guy with a gun.”
How’d the shooter go down?
There’s plenty on yours playing the blame game and our guy was just shot.
Do I blame Democrats for this? No. Do I have any doubt that if the roles were reversed, Democrats and even some posters here would be blaming...
According to these people, when violence happens against Democrats, it’s Trump’s fault… and when violence happens against Trump himself, it’s...
Just to add to that, Meyer won everywhere that he coached (in college lol). People hate on Meyer, but he has one of the cleanest W/L resumes in...
Higher education is overvalued in America, but that doesn't mean it has no value. Wasteful administrative expenses and political BS have made...
This reminds me of another point: My generation will be a lot better when they have the mentality of wanting to be the rich guy, rather than envy...
Here we go again bringing up the people who were already going to private school. I addressed that, and how that’s not really a critique on...
So you’d be fine with vouchers, as long as they only went to people who would otherwise go to public school? That’s the only way this line of...