No, but it proves that Trump likely was not the candidate most likely to win the 2016 general election… yet the Republican Party stood with him...
Was Trump a plurality winner in 2016?
Apparently “pick your preferred option” is a viable choice as seen with this election.
I disagree, but this is a good point. It certainly goes both ways with Trump. But that can be said about every issue. The question is if it’s a...
Plurality winners in primaries hurt parties, new paper finds - FairVote Satisfied? What am I saying? Of course not. You have no interest in...
This is completely wrong. The candidate in any primary most likely to win the primary more often than not is not the candidate in the primary...
No, you are characterizing the terms Kamala Harris wants as this innocent “asking of questions and enforcing debate rules.” I am rebutting the...
You can tell who the debate platform favors based on how long each issue is discussed, how they’re framed, and which issues are omitted. If the...
Under the current terms you risk a lefty ass-kissing circus disguised as a real debate… which is worse than a Trump circus. A Trump circus may...
Or they just want favorable terms for their preferred candidate and for their preferred candidate to not be locked in alone in a room with Kamala...
Then Kamala should have no issues acquiescing to Trump’s terms, especially considering that Trump’s terms have been used in numerous debates and...
“Lefties don’t want to debate” is more a mockery of the leftist talking point on this thread. The real issue is both sides want to debate on...
If parties were never meant to be democratic, why bother hosting a primary at all? Let the party elites pick whoever the Hell they want. How many...
Politically, I would’ve preferred either Biden staying in the race, or the Democrats picking another candidate and sticking with them for the...
The fact that Biden won the primaries and Democrats pushed for a switch over gut feeling rather than an election is inherently undemocratic. With...
Democrats did not abandon Joe Biden because of his age. They knew of his age and his mental decline, they never cared, and they still don’t care....
Democracy is about the will of the people. The Democratic Party said to Hell with that, we think Joe Biden can’t win, so we’re going to...
Maybe I’m being overly optimistic (or overly cynical:D) about Kamala Harris’s ability to win elections, but we’ll see how long that lasts. Maybe...
You should be sad that your party clearly doesn’t respect democracy.
And it was still enough to kill the Biden campaign.