What it looks like trying to get into a clinic. You know for those saying the protests at the Justices' homes are intrusive. Pinkhouse...
Tim Ryan on when his daughter texted she was headed to the SC to protest. TimRyanOH on TikTok
Well the actual seed wouldn't come out if there's a vasectomy. Hence they'd be in compliance with scripture. But yes remember the very old...
That brings up the next religion bit. The Bible preaches spilling your seed is a sin. So since vasectomies stop seed from spilling, and it's...
Women setting aside differences and unleashing the homewreckers. Libbeebel on TikTok For those who don't want to watch, mistresses basically...
If the tweet doesn't show....Chef Jose Andres. Great humanitarian. "I’m a Catholic. My wife is a devoted Catholic. We may have our own personal...
Viral tiktok of woman protesting, got gased, STILL held up her hanger. Kasey Schmidt on TikTok BTW irony -- police launching tear gas at...
For those still saying common sense will prevail... Republican Congressman Blames Mass Shootings on Women Having Rights
One of many many many tiktoks about reporting the US to the United Nations. There's even some with step by step tutorials. kristin on TikTok
Darth Vader: "The Empire supports women's rights" Loded Diper on TikTok
Older story, but applicable. Abused nuns reveal stories of rape, forced abortions More cases of rules for thee and not for me.
In case the tweet doesn't show "Every major national and international medical society and journal condemns the US Supreme Court decision on...
Trying to find it....but Texas looking at deputizing citizens to get people out of state who left for abortions. Does that sound familiar?...
This about sums it up [MEDIA]