One thing to consider with Spurrier's posts, Stricklin's denials, etc... Negotiating a price for Kelly will continue to go up the more press and...
Iraqi money purchase site... you are now ruined and corrupted. You're Welcome!
That would be actually pretty cool... "Introducing your future head football coach as Mr Two Bits.... Chip Kelly!!!!!" The crowd would go nuts......
Well, ya know... see below: [IMG] (how many times can this be posted today....)
Always dumbfounded me how Oregon, with it's cool wet climate, can have cheerleaders in skimpy outfits looking great, while Florida, with it's hot...
How about full on Big Bang?
Lol, yeah, yeah... was on cell phone! [IMG]
Don't care... still want some Duckettes in the Swamp: [IMG]
If Chip comes, here is the one upgrade I want: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Our cheerleader outfits are boring, the routines they do are boring, etc. Give...
Yes Dammit!!! I am holding him to it!!! :P I would hope that if we hire Kelly we simply have him agree to a $15 million buyout or something...
How about the "Quack and Snap" to honor the Ducks and Gators?
Of course Frost could... but Kelly always talks about NFL being easier on his time since there is no recruiting needed. Does that someone that...
Rather have Frost than Kelly... Kelly won't be here more than a few years, what's the point. I don't want to do this AGAIN in three more years...