PA is the only state that matters. Shapiro will take care of this for us.
He’s a complete and total Trump fanboi.
Print it out. Frame it. Hang it on the wall. Ladies & Gentlemen - RICK!
I think Robert Barnes sniffs his own farts like that the trump bootlicker he is. How many subscriptions have you sold today, comrade?
he was terrible. I love how the GOP is trying to frame YET ANOTHER GOP VP endorsing Kamala as some sort of indictment. What does that say about...
J.D Vance Goes Swimming with Shirt On at Luxury La Jolla Hotel Totally normal. Definitely not weird.
That 3 point lead in PA is a beautiful thing. All she needs to do is hold serve tomorrow against the senile orange rapist and she’s good.
but but Nate SILVER!!!
It really is amazing. So profoundly stupid. It’s really just a reflection on the morons that vote for him.
Donald Trump is going to lose to a minority woman.
lol @ cease and assist. God he is so stupid.
I’m sure they were focus grouping the shit out of ideas to get it just right before publishing anything on the internet.
Or just toss it into a fire.
you really wanna go down this path? You think THAT sounds like gibberish?
so hot
Will they stand in line for taytay? Is that a serious question?
He sounds hammered. Or like he’s been snorting OxyContin or something. Wow!
of course not. He’s an excellent kicker. If he weren’t he wouldn’t be giving graduation speeches in the first place. But you can bet your ass...
Ka-mala she’s so fine She’s so fine she blows my mind Kamala hey hey Kamala
So weird how trumps verbal diarrhea doesn’t seem to phase you. Have you listened to him speak before?