House Republicans lament Trump's 'terrible' debate performance: 'Let her get under his skin'
I think you severely underestimate the number of newly minted adults who love Taylor Swift and aren’t registered to vote.
I noticed his hair looked different too.
can you imagine if she had said that?
Trump needs the 2nd debate more than she does. She’s ahead in the polls in the swing states that will decide the election, she’s ahead in the...
I see you've pivoted from "a rate cut will not happen" to "a rate cut is not needed." Bless your heart.
Odd that you 100% would not have made this post if Trump hadn’t gotten destroyed last night.
Yes, he's such a straight shooter. If 90% of what he said wasn't demonstrably/wildly false I might agree that's a refreshing quality in a politician.
The MAGAts would riot. She would lose in spectacular fashion because the cult would stay home out of spite. Now if Haley had been the nominee...
Her performance really underscores how terrible Biden did. There isn't an easier shitbag to litigate on a national stage than Donald Trump and...
Harris Wants 2 Trump Debates
“I don’t know that I want to do another debate,” he said on Fox. He claimed that Ms. Harris only wanted one because, in his accounting, she had...
She agreed to two debates before this one happened. But I don’t blame him for not wanting any more of that. There’s no question who that debate...
you’re talking to a 37%er.
“Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people. So let’s be clear about that. And clearly he’s having a difficult time processing that” [MEDIA]...
I tend to agree. Not really any winners. Only losers.