Hicks , 1 away, intentionally walk to load them for Nick Horvath
Pinch hitter Hicks for Larson
Rivera with gators on 1/2: Bunt try fails, Sac bunt to 3rd, advances runners
Langworthy- 2 balls..iffy call on bunt try. Ball 3 K, Bunt foul Walked!
Gator 8: India, B, K, fair ball down 3rd base line, stretches to 2nd Lead off double
Big big escape....breath.....diaphragm is locked up! .....
Freeman to 2nd Deichmann at 1st For Watson, B (close), lined out to CF! Holding on 2-1 Gators!
Kowar's 1st appearance in relief Deichmann- grounder to JJ, goes home to tag out Robertson, 2away
Deichmann - 1 away, runners on the corners, sully out, pitcher change Kowar summoned
Duplantis, no outs, Tigers on the corners, F, F B, k swinging!
Out on replay
Freeman, b, bunt , called safe. Runners on the corners
Freeman, WP, tiger to 2nd
Top of the 8th: Byrne back out,....top of order for LSU Robertson - B, K, F, F, F, B, F, bloop past diving Liput
India - k,B, F, Nellie, picked off Kowar in the bullpen for UF Going to the 8th: 2-1 UF
Nellie draws a 4 pitch walk
JJ - k,B,k, ground out to Earl
Gator 7th: f, Guthrie pops out to 3rd
Change up
Jordan, tiger on 3rd, 2 out F,K, fly out on sliding catch by Horvath 2-1 Gators hang on!