Put what, where? “Wiki” is the first line of my post. You are posting a meme…. Show something to back it up.
Trump did good until he didn’t isnt the flex you think it is. Never heard a gator fan brag about the incredible 3 quarters we had at Maimi in 2003.
Wiki has 256 on the low end for Biden and 378 for Trump. GWB says 1020, or over 500 per term … Biden’s low end number is lower than anyone except...
shouldn’t you research that before embarrassing yourself by posting a meme?
At least Clinton had something to show for it, the best economy AND the only president to reduce the deficit below 0 during my lifetime. Trump...
The country doesn't need " saving"... We are the most powerful country in the world by almost every measure.
Another Trump failure. I don't remember stuff like this happening while Biden was president -- and if it did, it was Trump's fault for not doing...
This post means so much coming from a guy that routinely bashes the "other side" ... "but you're doing the democrats PR work them" ... there, see...
Typical dumb shit I expect from you. When you get backed into a corner by facts, instead of making a good case for your opinions, you resort to...
No, it’s you that doesn’t know what it means… the economy was going great until January… what could have possible changed that caused this...
I don't think you know what that phrase means... have someone explain it you.
And you don't think consumers are affected at all by all the dumb shit Trump has been saying is coming on "day one" for the last 4 months?
Should have stayed missing ... he was better that way.
It's been 4 months since he was elected. This looks like an economical backlash from the economic fear and uncertainty he is creating. I mean,...
I mean, Big Balls said he knows a guy who does computer stuff, what can go wrong?
Yeah, for most of them, you can almost hear the "but I'm white?!?" desperation in their voice.
... I mean, let's face it, this isn't the type of mistake a DEI Indian employee would make. LOL... what a clown. [IMG] [IMG] Elon Musk's...
Most of those red welfare states would be bankrupt pretty quick if they couldn’t mooch of the economic strength of California and NY.
Before someone questions why my numbers don’t match the CNBC report, I was looking at the advanced retail trade report that also came out today…...
Retail sales crashed in January, plunging by 1.2% … probably due to Trumpflation concerns. That was much worse than analysts expected. Compare...