It actually says "Active Social Engineering Defense (ASED) Large Scale Social Deception (LSD)" ... Sounds like it was something defending against...
That might have better optics, but probably not the best way to do it from a data management perspective. A person like Anna Nicole Smith would...
My big caveat in saying there might be a recession by the end of the year is "if Trump does what he wants" -- inflation driven by tariffs and...
Anna Nicole Smith married an 89-year old man when she was 26 ... that type of situation, while not common, means if she had lived to 100, he'd be...
If Donny does what he wants, we will probably be in a recession by the end of the year with high unemployment and high inflation ... and dems will...
3 years in prison for making a mess in a public bathroom? Geez? I wonder what the penalty in Japan is for a mob storming a government building...
Dotard, Dear Leader, President Cuck, DingDon, and Captain Bonespurs are also out, I’d assume, but just in titles, if I’m reading that correct....
Huh ... I thought this was allowed because other mods here were doing it while Biden was president ... I'll stop, though, with "Donny".
I would bet every I have that Trump won’t reduce the deficit below zero (a surplus) like Clinton did. Hell, he’s already demanding a big...
That's how you own the libs -- by making it known that wanted murders from blue states can move in next door nice families in red states without...
NY was the ones who started it? Really? Hmmm ... because this is from 2023... BTW, have you made your AI girlfriend have an orgasm recently?...
Why are still trying to "win" this discussion. I'm totally on your side here. Invite criminals to Louisiana. Geez, man, take the win. How's...
BTW, Obama's magic wand quip was actually about Trump's claim that he would bring manufacturing jobs back to America his first term. Guess what...
I can't wait to see the commercials "Louisiana is for Criminals" ... think of all those republican pedos and groomers who will flock there from...
Yes, like I said, invite Criminals to Louisiana. Please do. You are smart and have it all figured out.
LOL ... the highest GDP under Trump as 2.97% and the highest under Obama was 2.95%.... Biden checked in with an amazing 5.80%, BTW ... Biden had...
Stop with your lies .. Obama never said that, Trump made up that quote and attributed it to Obama, and you believed him like a good little sheep...
He failed his first time and based on what he's saying now,.will have us in a recession by the end of this year ...
“….according to shocking new data compiled by the Republican National Committee.” Is all you need to know about that post. The DNC will...
Smart. Invite criminals to Louisiana. You should totally do that,