Read another article today about a Georgia Republican Rep that got blindsided at a townhall by MAGA voters complaining about how mean Trump was...
That’s what I was thinking, if there is fraud and waste in Florida, it’s 100% on them at this point.
Elon and Tulsi were in a race to see who can get this to China and Russia the fastest. Looks like Elon won.
Watch, the same people who thought Hillary should be hanged will make excuses for this non-government employee accessing highly classified info...
Science says n95 masks filter 95% of airborne particles that can carry viruses. What does your experience as a dentist office secretary tell you?
I think it’s $400 a year, but since he says she has a regular job, I’m pretty sure that $100, even if it were the only extra money earned all...
Yes, my doctor wears a mask, even now. During the pandemic, for a couple years, she wore a mask and face shield and required that everyone in her...
What your daughter is doing is illegal, though, she is required to report that $100. I but I'm sure lots of people do that ... kids that mow...
we have to believe this guy when he says masks don’t work… he’s the secretary at a dentists office, after all. I beat his superior wears a mask...
It was during his monologue, not a skit. He seemed serious, not like it was part of a joke. I believed him. Maybe he was lying for attention....
Unfortunately… we are not allowed to say the N word here anymore… and its not even that N word. Comparing this American regime to a past European...
I was responding to your question: “Has anyone seen his medical records and if he is on the spectrum and diagnosed with Asperger’s?” You don’t...
You can really tell the people who don’t know much about investing in this thread. Warren Buffet is a buy and hold guy who openly and repeatedly...
I doubt he gets forced out, but unlikely he’s going to do much permanent damage since it’s all EOs. He’ll probably get a big tax cut through, get...
Musk said he has Asperger’s when he hosted SNL. Doesn’t seem to be disputed.
These can bring some major security concerns as they are said to make cracking encryption possible.
Most people are not as dumb as Donny thinks they are. A 10% crash in consumer sentiment as Trumpflation and Tariffs continue to cause havoc in...
And ... just as expected ... they are already walking this one back. Some of us already knew how this would turn out. Trumpsters should pay...
Maybe, maybe not.. “Some of the things I say will be wrong” … we already know that’s a good enough answer for you,
Yes. President Cucky is a different person know. Much more centrist and empathetic to the needs of regions that didn’t vote for him.