The thread is about the Boss endorsing Harris. You said he is out of touch with the working man. That is exactly the response that your response...
Perhaps because he uses logic and reason to value trump instead of blind adoration.
So many of them are destroying their lives or their relationships. My experience with Germans in the early 80s was that the older people caught up...
Memory is not the definite thing you think it is. Walz was in China the same year as Tianamen. I have memories of seeing U2 in the Rathskeller...
Exactly this everyone has the right to whatever stupid opinion they want to hold but facts should be solid and unassailable. This world of...
Trump has been trying to change his position on choice because it’s unpopular. His logic is I already flipped the Supreme Court so now we can...
It’s not just the dead it’s those fleeing to avoid conscription. They have a negative replacement rate before the war. The dead and those fleeing...
My son worked for curaleaf for a while as a “bud”tender. He was well payed but the scam of getting people licensed was ridiculous and crooked as...
The doctors charging a hundred bucks for an “exam” are the biggest crooks here. I like knowing the alcohol content in my ipas I think there is a...
Anybody still supporting trump at this point is not using thought or logic.
How can anyone still support this slime for president? It’s all about him. He would sell his supporters for a nickle.
My understanding was he only bet on his team to win but I could be wrong. With point spreads black and white turns grey.
And then ignore the will of the people when amendments are passed anyway.
I am voting yes on 3 and 4. No on the others but I am persuadable on probably number 2. Not sure why this is necessary though.
The media is all against him. I think historically it’s never good when 60 minutes knocks on your door whether democrat or republican.
I suspect that Diddy’s days are numbered in the low single digits. This stuff is disgusting and anyone who gets ruined for having...
Almost seemed to me that the whole thing was for show. I wouldn’t want to be an Iranian leader right now. Your cell phones will be homing in the...
This will end badly for the people. I wish there was a way for the leadership of all sides to duke it out.
Arizona Arizona State Virginia Texas A & M Florida
I had so much hope after the first year or so of his governorship. Was he kicked in the head or something?