I may have exaggerated a bit. It’s bad but not that bad.
I can post a picture of my friends house. It about 8 ft high 10 ft wide and a hundred feet long. Mostly drywall and furniture.
I almost edited my response. I know who is the bottom in the sec.
I have always said the sec is not only tougher at the top but the bottom too.
I think all he has been convicted of is gun charges and tax charges. Tax charges definitely federal. Gun I think is federal but I am not certain.
When a tornado ripped through my neighborhood maybe 4 years ago we got 500 immediately from FEMA. I guess inflation has increased it.
I am voting for Kamala but if Biden doesn’t pardon his son on his way out I will eat my gator hat.
When I was twelve the hunt brothers had just ran the silver price up to 50 dollars a share. The price had collapsed. It was about twelve dollars a...
I am hoping that senator skeletor loses. Rick Scott I don’t get what is the appeal?
I suspect that home owners insurance will be state sponsored. Citizens but make those living inland pay more too.
Think that was a Clark gable quote I think. I don’t pay women to sleep with me I pay them to leave.
I have a buddy he has a house on Tampa bay. He got 2 feet of water and his cars were flooded in the garage. He can afford another hurricane but he...
Or walk their dogs down the street.
There is an app for that I am sure. If not there will be soon.
Florida 100 Georgia 100
Bruce Springsteen is not a mediocre musician. He isn’t my favorite either but he has put out some of the most influential music of the last 40 years.
This got taken care of before I could even ask my question. How much per ton do the dockworkers add? My guess is it’s almost nothing. Automation...
Yes it gets revised sometimes up sometimes down. I don’t care to do the research but I bet it is pretty consistent as to how it gets revised...
I don’t like that it really isn’t a walkable town. I guess a bike would let you get around but it’s not pedestrian friendly.