So you think your opinion and the legislature trumps the woman’s and her medical professionals?
So you are in favor of women being allowed to make their own medical decisions. I have misunderstood.
So instead of using the inefficient government to make women’s medical decisions why don’t you use religious charities to influence women’s choices.
So it would be more accurate to say you want government to make the decision for women and then turn it over to private charities.
Polling got weird with the advent of push polling. I think after that nonsense started the craziness in polling has been endemic.
Substitute delusion for specialty.
I get what’s wrong with your opinions. Your not good at thinking.
Better him then any tourists or children.
I remember in college, Professor David Conrad was teaching a course, maybe European Polity? Anyway he made a point something like the third reich...
This gets complicated something similar happened to me. I was declared brain dead and I recovered. There were doctors wanting to harvest my organs...
I looked it up he is “only” 84. Just 5 years older than Spurrier. He seemed old when I was a student. Can’t believe he was just 44 when he took...
I see where Galen and the 84 Gators are being honored this weekend. I think it is well deserved. I am shocked that Galen is still around.
I once again find myself liking the killing of the grown men directing this carnage. The young men are not innocent but no one is more guilty than...
Florida 100 Texas 100
As a nearly 60 year old white man I realize that the playing field has always been tilted towards my advantage. There have been times I have taken...
On a side note advent health has done something similar in DeLand. There is a cut through that goes from a residential area and bypasses a traffic...
But you are a supporter of Russian propaganda. I try to follow your reasoning and one of us doesn’t use logic.
Just checking but you are in favor of Russian propaganda?
At some point is there a difference? lol. But you are right I am wrong. Someone make a note of this event it doesn’t happen often.
Wasn’t there a book title like that. “Youngest Confederate Widow Tells All”