I was a premed student working full time when I auditioned for Dr Langford each trimester. I had passed on an opportunity to attend Eastman School...
Agree completely. both viewpoints are valid.
Interesting that a moderator labels fact-based individual opinions as "pot-stirrers". So, is it only your opinions that are enlightened and valid?...
Agree with tommyvee, that post typifies the "praise at all cost" mentality of many in this forum. We should be able to post all opinions and not...
I've been saying that for years. In the SEC, throwing behind the line of scrimmage is a wasted down. Design pass patterns that are downfield for...
Seems to meet the expectations of some on this thread.
Yes, The Sylvia Plath diatribe: "If you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed." In this philosophy you should have no...
Agree. Instead of a litany of more excuses, time for this forum to deal with facts. First win for Vandy at home in 30 years, oh, and those who...
People can be excused for emotional and passionate responses on occasion. Thoughtful opinions lead to great discussions. Overly repetitive one...
I agree with the deviation from original thread. My point was not to engage in personal attacks, but keep it civil.
You volume posters are laughable. Time on-site and volume do not make you judge of all. Debate the issues like a man, rather than insulting posters.
yes, thank you to all for remembering us. Wishing a very blessed Veterans Day to my fellow vets as well.
Why the name calling ??? 1173 is not trolling, CBN hired a stable of recruiting staff. Asking where are the great portal aquisitions or 5 star...
Exactly. This forum should respect each persons commentary and point of view. Any dissension from blind support is attacked. Your questions are...
I agree with your sentiment. Unfortunately, this forum does not respect honest discourse. Posters should not have to walk on eggshells hoping they...
Agree with the sentiment. TN turned it around in 2 years under a new head coach with a great scheme. Many here are telling us to give Napier 4 years ?
Prayers going up for you.” By His wounds we are healed. Everything is possible for one who believes.” May His peace that passes all understanding...