Wages still haven’t caught up to the damage done over the last 4 years. Nice effort at only looking at data that fits your narrative.
Wielding an outsized influence is probably a fair assessment. Running our foreign policy is an overstatement.
There are kernels of truth in most of what you have said. It is a reach however to put those kernels together in the way these people do and draw...
You are just digging in deeper and admit that you read a book and bought it hook, line, and sinker. I see that you are already immersed in this...
A little background first. I have, for the most part, lost a long time dear friend who visits the websites and podcasts that I believe that you...
I think that you need to re-think what websites and podcasts you get your information from. You are beginning, just beginning to sound like the...
MSM? That’s always solid, unbiased reporting!
A common theme of my younger days is; “damn, I’m glad there weren’t cell phone cameras back then”. With your above story, I want to make an...
All great points regarding GM and the Vega. Unfortunately, it took a long time for them to learn from their mistakes and then did it all over...
If you have a safety issue with a nuclear reactor, you want a US Navy nuclear expert working on it. Period.
I disagree. I’m sure that all claims are not being rejected. Probably the ridiculous ones but no where near all or even most. Regardless, the...
That explains the some issues of the recent past but doesn’t change the basis of what I said. This problem didn’t just start when the law was...
The roofers and ambulance chasers got into bed together several years ago and basically created this monster. Time to turn on the lights and get...
Yeah, let’s get Fauci back as a scientific expert. He did such a tremendous job before and during the China Flu. Like RFK Jr. or not, at least...
I just can’t believe this!!!
This is a really bad precedent. To my knowledge there has not been anything more than pranks and jokes through transitions, but not attempts to...
They were very easy to drive hard when you wanted to. Clutch was always smooth off the line, and had tight but very smooth shift lever assembly.
These two don’t need the death penalty. Justice will be served to them in prison.
And Jo finds a new low.
One thing that I think was superb in the 3 Series in the 0Xs was their clutch and manual transmissions. Didn’t own one so can’t speak to...