The fumble was a beautiful thing!
At least we all can enjoy the fact that in the only game he played against us; he DID NOT finish the game. Excellent work Gator defense!!!
None of those Mo-Rons on that panel were a match for Pam. They probably have some sore asses tonight.
“The government has no greed based motivations”. Thank you for the belly laugh!!
If you don’t believe that it is a Ponzi Scheme, go start a private system with the exact same rules and parameters. You could let in know later...
Generally agree, but would split that quarter %/year between the employee and the employer. Also wouldn’t raise full retirement age, but would...
But we don’t look like fools to the rest of the state like they do
The hot seller when I was in school looked like this: F - Florida’s S - Second Rate U - University Of course today it would be Florida’s Seventh...
Companies move to the DC area to buy access to 90+% of politicians with “Votes For Sale” signs in their windows. People move to DC to work for...
Did she happen to have an approximation of how many indignities FSU has accumulated over the years? I do remember them electing a male as their...
These aren’t bad, but I still miss LSUFreek!
So an FSU license designates enough of a mental handicap to qualify for parking? Who woulda thunk it?????
Not just customer service, but user interface, and backward compatibility is in that graveyard as well.
Wow! Ignorance and an insult in the same post. You probably should GYST before you question someone’s math skills. 1969-2024 is 55 years, not...
When did 2 become 30% of 50?
There you go making their arguments look silly again!
That is an incomplete analysis. How many hundreds if not thousands of real female athletes are impacted by these 10 men’s significant...
You make a very good point here.
Speaking for myself, I’m not referrring to preventive remedies. Even in areas where the local authories allow/encourage/perform them, the only...