Probably in the world!
Finally some common sense injected into this thread!!!!
The last time we had this conversation about our head coach giving up play calling we ended up with Lynn Amedee, who looked great on paper. For...
This holier than thou bullshit has had a large hand in bringing us 15 years of mediocrity in football. A fight after a violent, intense rivalry...
Agree. He doesn’t have anywhere to go even if he wanted out. Bolles had to play it safe. He didn’t have anyroom to build the future. The Bucs...
I think he would have. The media would have given him cover and established separation between he and Harris for the pardon.
Those were weak and questionable indictments, as was everything Whitewater.
I don’t know how we could do that, although I would like to see it. I think the rule should be no pardons in a lame duck period or second term....
Still waiting on those criminal conspiracy charges that you run your mouth so much about.
This thread is going as expected. The lines on these issues are always the same. Until a majority of Americans get sick and tired of being sick...
I respect your thoughts and agree. But the reality is that hope and reality are two far different things, and we live in a world of reality.
You must not have children that are active in sports, scouting, or other activities. DaddyBall has been around for a long, long time and it’s not...
Damn GL, a little salty this evening. Name calling and insults. I’m not outraged by Biden’s actions. I was expecting this right after the...
You didn’t see it last year when they were rightfully not give a playoff spot?
And you don’t think those two are kooks??
Do you mean like these two?? [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Not weeks, years!!!
He might be a hack, but he is definitely better than Comey
You’re correct. He must have forgotten that they were peaceful protests!
Here is his next pick; [ATTACH]