Have to say, who OK'd this clock change?
Part of it is Mertz not getting the ball out. Granted I can't see what he's seeing with the view on TV.
Can't forget him saying Utah had a 14-point victory at halftime. lol
Utah coaches must be drunk
Finally a TD!!!!
We've had multiple chances to score TDs and came away with 0 3 straight times.
Exactly, just throw it deep and hope for a miracle. lol
Now had that been our defense hitting their QB in the helmet we would have been flagged. lol
$7 million for this?
Down 24-3, not one play to the endzone.......
Can we please force our HC to hire an OC. It's clear he isn't excelling with calling plays.
It's easy to say Pearsall should have caught it, but he didn't expect the ball to be coming and next thing you know it's in your hands. lol
The TE was coming across wide open with an easy 1st down. Mertz is just spooked.
Yeap, no one is ready to play
Why in the world
Exactly, that's what folks aren't talking about. Even without the penalty, he would have had us darn near on the goal line. lol
Chris Fowler must be ready to go lol
Thank goodness Utah went cold lol
Defense has just made 0 plays, offense has left a lot to be desired, and special teams has been a horror show.
What the heck kind of cleats are they wearing for all of these slips?